About us

Hey there! Just a little bit about us...
This whole idea is representative of 3 little hearts who have seen better days living in Melbourne, Australia in 2020 at the start of the Pandemic. So much going on in the world, and now the best part of our day, was that knock on the door and seeing our online shopping packages waiting for us.
With these things in mind; the Pandemic & that buzz when your online packages arrive at your front door, or mailbox, or if you're unlucky, just out on your front lawn for everyone to see; the concept of 'prezzies post 2020' was founded.
Ideas were thrown around, guru's watched, and advice was listened too & much appreciated.
So far it's been fun, gives a bit of a buzz and slight anxiety, and we're not sure how viable this venture will be. However, we've learned so much, and there's still so much more to learn about this online world, and starting up a small business online.
No matter how this goes, hopefully you get some cool, useful products from us, and that we were our usual nice and kind selves during your visit.
Take care out there and make sure to check in with your loved ones, and yourselves.